Linz, AT;
Time's Up Laboratories
"Stroboscopes, vibration and visual perception"

Report 8/18
The planned experiments are based on two ideas for installations and their technical realisation.
A. The realisation of linear 3-D images through differentiated color levels (red, green) on larger formats.
The interest lies in optical results beyond the visualisation through filtering lenses (red, green) and the resulting 3-D illusion. Through the utilisation of asynchronously controlled Stroboscopes, equipped with optical filters, we are investigating the affirmation upon 3-D effects and animation effects.
B. The second idea is dealing with installations with images and/or objects in a state of vibration (e.g. upon closing in of a spectator). The object changes and removes itself from an "objective" point of perception. As an additional investigation we consider to set the spectator into a state of vibration as well.
The `object d´ art` turns into a technical test object , the test apparatus is similarly an `object d´ art`, test object and art object are equal.
The moment of perception, the acceleration in dependence to the spectators constitution is the main aspect of interest.
{"rapid standstill", "Ecstasy of chance", "discontinuation of physical space", "static vehicle", ....
Starting points lie in the fields of visual interpretations*) as well as in applied technologies**), which are utilising vibrations (of lights and object) as a for extraordinary perceptional processes.
Cf.> (* Motions of vibrations as stylistic element in movies to visualize transitions of physical space and consciousness (change of space-time-continuum);
Cf. >(** Motions of vibrations in flight and astronaut simulators;
> Vibration through attacks of epilepsy, ritual ecstasy, ... ;
> Vibration in luna parks, on the dance floor....}
Both ideas are to be combined:
Red and green markings, vibrating images with green and red graphics, asynchronous controlled stroboscopes with color filters, vibrating objects with colored markings, vibrating platforms…. Etc.
Possible results: a dynamic "Low tech" installation, a pulsating room with fluctuating objects, moving coordinates (not to mention the possibilities of an additional usage of sound).
In the framework of the experiments the basic technical aspects are to be tested (apparatusses of vibration, control of strobes, the setup of images, colored filters etc.);
The visual results will be categorised purely based on aesthetic principles.
Guide lines:
• Construction of the technical components for the test series:
Excenter motor to vibrate heavy objects or body parts, various mounting points, exchangeable excenters, frequency control.
Mechanical "shaking" device to smaller images (with frequency control).
Electronic switching for asynchronous control of two stroboscopes with frequency control
• planned experiments:
Experimental research of perception of Grafics (e.g. anaglyphs) with 2 differentiated image color levels (red and green partial images) under stroboscopic, color filtered lighting ( 2 asynchronously controlled stroboscopes) under static conditions and vibrating image carrier and/or spectator.
> experimental research of visual perception with and without filtering glasses.
> experimental research of the interaction between 'Stroboscopy' and 'object vibration'
> Research of the effect of longtime strong vibration (complete and partial) on the spectator (subjective perceptional interferences).
Unfortunately time got to be too short. The preparation for the planned experiments took up more than 2/3 of the allocated time frame. Nevertheless the experiences made were everything but boring. Considering we are neither technicians nor scientists it is clear that the construction of a "Rüttelmotor" (a shaking motor) makes us deal with interesting observations and experiences, including planning and construction mistakes.
The plan called for an apparatus to vibrate smaller images (8x6 cm) in 2D as well as for a construction to vibrate heavy objects and bodily parts as well as a circuit board for the stroboscopes.
All components got finished and tested, but time fell short to go through all the planned experiments and the necessary modification of the components.
Most revealing were the experiences in the construction of the technical components. The trials with test graphics (combined with strobe lights, with and without vibrations) proofed despite all technical difficulties the functioning of some of the basic thoughts (especially the animation effects) { cf. below: Test 1-4 }
Tests about the implementations of vibrations upon a testperson had to be postponed.
The experiments will be continued. Further reports will be published here or can be requested via e-mail (>
We are open for any critique, suggestions and reports about similar activities.
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