The Time’s Up Boating Association (TUBA) is a loose affiliation of boating practitioners based around the group Time’s Up in Linz, Austria. You could think of it as a Special Interest Group (SIGBOAT ?) or something similar. By default our activities revolve around the Danube, however our interests are far reaching. TUBA is a partner in the larger Time’s Up Nautical Alliance which has a wider area of interest including all things nautical.
We have a strong interest in (Kitsch) Boat Art, in particular we are eternally searching for the perfect “Boat in Storm” (oil) painting. The Time’s Up Galle(r)y has been a place for the collection of these wonderful art works for over 12 years now and we are grateful for a vast array of donated works from many friends and acquaintances. Feel free to donate to our collection.
We have always used the adjoining harbour for recreational boating and water based activities. This has proven to be of great value in decompressing high performance contemporary artists, distracting them from goal oriented arts creation behaviour. Artists In Residence such as Nik Baginsky and Marnix de Nijs have felt the invigorating effects of the Linz Industrial Harbour.
In 2006 we hosted a meeting for practitioners working with the Danube and shipping in general, exhibiting several works in our workshop space. Franz Xaver with his boat Franz Feigl has been a resident here and we undertook an official renaming event with a failed theology student and self proclaimed king as our name takers and name givers for the good ship.
Currently we are host to several projects. Leo Schatzl is renovating his recently acquired studio vessel, Markus L is assembling his “trash” junk rigged catamaran from decommissioned gas tanks, Tim B and Pippa B are undertaking a small construction project based upon plans from a 1932 boating publication of Edwin Monk, Marc 9 is renovating an old wooden speedboat that has been in storage for several years after a partial restoration around the turn of the century and David Moises builds his private submarine - which actually will be used by public. Who knows what other projects and ideas will descend upon us!
Camping Glocke - David Moises
Low-budget Catamaran by Markus Luger
Images from Leo Schatzls vessel
Images from The Imperial Punt - Pippa B & Tim B
Markus Luger, Leo Schatzl, Pippa Buchanan, David Moises