several places in Australia and China
Many sites
Time's Up Australasian Regional Tour 2011

Time's Up, since its very beginning highly interested in the merits of international, national and regional networking activities faces the marvelous opportunity to extend and deepen our mesh of partners in Australia and China.
For a designated time span, Time's Up members will present and exchange projects, ideas and working methods as well as elaborate and define further collaborations with several partners in Australasia.
please find a current list of public activities while touring below - and be aware of possible additions and changes along the way:
---> JANUARY 2011
WHEN: 13th of January - 6PM
WHERE: Serial Space - Chippendale NSW 2008; Australia
WHAT: Dorkbot - Time’s Up - all in all
Under the moniker of "people doing strange things with electricity" dorkbot, as a worldwide, loose network of groups and initiatives facilitates since 10 years the exchange of regional as well as international exchange in-between active practitioners. Time's Up has the chance to present cultural, artistic and scientific approaches in front of an interested and skilled audience at "Sydney Division" of Dorkbot.
14th January
Vibewire at 525 Harris Street Ultimo
Learning and Research, living into a complex future
Presentation and workshop investigating the possibilities and probabilities of the future, for developing innovative living and lived in environments for this uncertain future. Some small presentations, a lot of workshopping and some co-creative development with the tutelage of Janine Cahill from Future Journeys and her developed processes mixed with or own and other learning / research possibilities.
---> FEBRUARY 2011
WHEN: 9 Feb 2011
WHERE: Hacker Space 15 Peel Street, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia
WHAT: How to design Narrative Spaces
The Adelaide Hackerspace, as part of the international Hackerspaces community opened in January 2010 and involves the diverse and exciting range of skills and interests of more than 30 people. Time's Up, always confronted with the need of customized solutions will talk about our methods of approaches to elaborate these without being highly dependent on industrial, cost-intensive means.
---> MARCH 2011
WHEN: 10th March
WHERE: University of Western Australia Science Communication Postgraduates
WHAT: Physical Narratives for Science Communication
Investigating the possibilities thrown up by the "20 Seconds into the Future" project in 2010, we will discuss the ways in which science, and in particular science research, can be conveyed to an audience using physical narrative techniques.
WHEN: 10th March
WHERE:University of Western Australia, Visual Arts
WHAT: Collaborative Practices, Living and Lived-in Spaces
Talking with students about our practices for arts design and space design to enhance social cohesion and communication. This will include our social spaces and exploration narrative concepts for interactive installations, design of TwixtVille and our investigations of neuvo crafting for the modern village.
WHEN: sometime between 2nd - 12th March --- watch out for exact times
WHERE: Perth Curtin University Kent St; Bentley WA 6102; Australia
WHAT: Water Narratives Workshop
Parallel to the our concentration in Physical Narration, Time's Up focusses on range of themes closely connected to something we call resilient structures, embracing several aspects which are loosely tied together through forecasting of and experimenting with possible futures. Buzzwords like urban - gardening, craft nouveau, prototyping, alternative energy-forms, functional as well as aesthetically challenging sculptures, pre- and postindustrial are just a small sample of the relevant factors within this scope.
During the Workshop at the Curtin University in Perth, we focus on Water as Medium. Whether this means using the water as a output or input-medium, as backing prop or dominant information-carrier, will be worked out together with the participants.
WHEN: 17th March - 7:30PM (please note change of date and time!)
WHERE: Videotage - Cattle Depot Artist Village - Kowloon, People’s Republic of China
WHAT: Introduction into Narrative Space and other Time’s Up Projects
Years ago we had the pleasure to exhibit in this Media Art Organisation which has been around since 1986. We are looking forward to refresh our relationship and present our current works on site, to investigate the developments in the Hong King scene and look at paths for further collaboration.
WHEN: 21st - 29th March --- watch out for exact times
WHERE: Shantou University - Cheung Kong School of Arts and Design Shantou, People’s Republic of China
WHAT: Narrative Objects - Workshop
Walking into a person's space we see traces of them everywhere: the postcards, the teacups, open books and scribbled love letters. If we had permission, we could examine these arrangements of objects and find out about that person, obtain a unique view into their story, much as a detective investigates a crime scene to determine the story behind it. Our current projects create fictional characters and compose a "Physical Narrative" in order to convey their story. The audience is invited in to explore this character, permission is given to pry into the deepest recesses of their space and thus the furthest reaches of their personalities and personal histories. This workshop invites participants to create an object or small collection of objects that tell a fragment of a story, whether it be media based or a collection of found objects.
For a designated time span, Time's Up members will present and exchange projects, ideas and working methods as well as elaborate and define further collaborations with several partners in Australasia.
please find a current list of public activities while touring below - and be aware of possible additions and changes along the way:
---> JANUARY 2011
WHEN: 13th of January - 6PM
WHERE: Serial Space - Chippendale NSW 2008; Australia
WHAT: Dorkbot - Time’s Up - all in all
Under the moniker of "people doing strange things with electricity" dorkbot, as a worldwide, loose network of groups and initiatives facilitates since 10 years the exchange of regional as well as international exchange in-between active practitioners. Time's Up has the chance to present cultural, artistic and scientific approaches in front of an interested and skilled audience at "Sydney Division" of Dorkbot.
14th January
Vibewire at 525 Harris Street Ultimo
Learning and Research, living into a complex future
Presentation and workshop investigating the possibilities and probabilities of the future, for developing innovative living and lived in environments for this uncertain future. Some small presentations, a lot of workshopping and some co-creative development with the tutelage of Janine Cahill from Future Journeys and her developed processes mixed with or own and other learning / research possibilities.
---> FEBRUARY 2011
WHEN: 9 Feb 2011
WHERE: Hacker Space 15 Peel Street, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia
WHAT: How to design Narrative Spaces
The Adelaide Hackerspace, as part of the international Hackerspaces community opened in January 2010 and involves the diverse and exciting range of skills and interests of more than 30 people. Time's Up, always confronted with the need of customized solutions will talk about our methods of approaches to elaborate these without being highly dependent on industrial, cost-intensive means.
---> MARCH 2011
WHEN: 10th March
WHERE: University of Western Australia Science Communication Postgraduates
WHAT: Physical Narratives for Science Communication
Investigating the possibilities thrown up by the "20 Seconds into the Future" project in 2010, we will discuss the ways in which science, and in particular science research, can be conveyed to an audience using physical narrative techniques.
WHEN: 10th March
WHERE:University of Western Australia, Visual Arts
WHAT: Collaborative Practices, Living and Lived-in Spaces
Talking with students about our practices for arts design and space design to enhance social cohesion and communication. This will include our social spaces and exploration narrative concepts for interactive installations, design of TwixtVille and our investigations of neuvo crafting for the modern village.
WHEN: sometime between 2nd - 12th March --- watch out for exact times
WHERE: Perth Curtin University Kent St; Bentley WA 6102; Australia
WHAT: Water Narratives Workshop
Parallel to the our concentration in Physical Narration, Time's Up focusses on range of themes closely connected to something we call resilient structures, embracing several aspects which are loosely tied together through forecasting of and experimenting with possible futures. Buzzwords like urban - gardening, craft nouveau, prototyping, alternative energy-forms, functional as well as aesthetically challenging sculptures, pre- and postindustrial are just a small sample of the relevant factors within this scope.
During the Workshop at the Curtin University in Perth, we focus on Water as Medium. Whether this means using the water as a output or input-medium, as backing prop or dominant information-carrier, will be worked out together with the participants.
WHEN: 17th March - 7:30PM (please note change of date and time!)
WHERE: Videotage - Cattle Depot Artist Village - Kowloon, People’s Republic of China
WHAT: Introduction into Narrative Space and other Time’s Up Projects
Years ago we had the pleasure to exhibit in this Media Art Organisation which has been around since 1986. We are looking forward to refresh our relationship and present our current works on site, to investigate the developments in the Hong King scene and look at paths for further collaboration.
WHEN: 21st - 29th March --- watch out for exact times
WHERE: Shantou University - Cheung Kong School of Arts and Design Shantou, People’s Republic of China
WHAT: Narrative Objects - Workshop
Walking into a person's space we see traces of them everywhere: the postcards, the teacups, open books and scribbled love letters. If we had permission, we could examine these arrangements of objects and find out about that person, obtain a unique view into their story, much as a detective investigates a crime scene to determine the story behind it. Our current projects create fictional characters and compose a "Physical Narrative" in order to convey their story. The audience is invited in to explore this character, permission is given to pry into the deepest recesses of their space and thus the furthest reaches of their personalities and personal histories. This workshop invites participants to create an object or small collection of objects that tell a fragment of a story, whether it be media based or a collection of found objects.
show |
resilient structures |
recyle/reuse |
public experiment |
prototyping |
physical-narration |
open source |
narrative strategies |
mathematics |
know-how transfer |
informal gathering |
hacking |
explorative-environment |
exchange of experience |
collaboration |
casual knowledge |
background |
aesthetic/artistic research