Linz, AT
Time's Up Laboratories
Global Internet of Things Worklab

Come and experiment with physical date streams, machines, sensors, sonifications, visualisations and suchlike.
Pachube have invited people around the world to come together for a 24 hour Hackathon investigating the possibilities of the Internet of Things. We will host an event here in Linz in the Time's Up Labs, looking at the various possibilities of data sensing, data usage and the Pachube system for data exchange.
Hackers, sensorists, sonifiers, visualisers and machine representationists are welcome to come, chat, discuss, hack, break, re-build, document and carry on. Please contact us at info (A) to be part of this.
Some projects in planning:
Pachube have invited people around the world to come together for a 24 hour Hackathon investigating the possibilities of the Internet of Things. We will host an event here in Linz in the Time's Up Labs, looking at the various possibilities of data sensing, data usage and the Pachube system for data exchange.
Hackers, sensorists, sonifiers, visualisers and machine representationists are welcome to come, chat, discuss, hack, break, re-build, document and carry on. Please contact us at info (A) to be part of this.
Some projects in planning:
- Daemonisation of data logging processes: a HOWTO.
- Arduino data collecters linked to a Funkfeuer urban mesh networking node.