Traveling Residency (Transiency)
several places throughout Europe
Stories of a stranded Research Vessel

**English below**
Der Bergungskahn hat die Schlepptrossen gelöst und entfernt sich langsam, mit mächtiger Bugwelle, von der kürzlich geborgenen Hydropia. Aus der ehemaligen Ostsee angeschleppt, die Hydropia, jenes Forschungsschiff mit dem Auftrag, die Entwicklung des gekippten Totmeeres entlang der baltischen Floodlands genauer zu untersuchen. Jetzt liegt sie nach monatelanger Irrfahrt fest vertaut am Landesteg, ramponiert und gezeichnet vom langen Aufenthalt in der giftigen Totzone. 270 Tage ist es her, seit dem letzten Funkkontakt zur Hydropia Besatzung. Danach gab es nur noch Rückmeldungen von den mitreisenden Bots. Erst spät wurde erkannt, dass deren technisch-analytischen Informationen zwar korrekt dokumentieren, nicht aber die Verfassung der fünf-köpfigen Besatzung des Forschungsschiffes wiedergeben. Die ist verschwunden, wie es scheint - zu finden nur deren Spuren, in Form von wahrlich beunruhigenden Unterlagen und Aufzeichnungen. Was ist da geschehen? Dieser Frage geht das Transiencies (travelling research) Projekt „RV Hydropia“ nach und sammelt auf den Spuren des Jetzt, jene der Zukunft: Materialen und Artefakte, um daraus eine weiteres Element rund um Turnton zu entwerfen. Schlagworte dazu sind: kollabiertes Binnenmeer, toxische Algenblüte, evakuierte Küstenregionen, ungenießbare und tödliche Umwelt. Aber auch, was lässt sich dagegen machen, wie verwenden wir Forschung, Technik und Wissenschaft um dem Desaster des Kollaps entgegen zuhalten, damit zu interagieren, zu überleben.
**English version**
The tugboat has released its towing cables, surging off with a powerful bow wave from the salvaged RV Hydropia. Rescued and towed in from the former Baltic Sea the Research Vessel Hydropia had been on a mission to study the development of the hypoxic sea along the Baltic Floodlands in great detail. Now, months of odyssey later, the vessel is moored up at the jetty, battered and marked by her long stay in the toxic dead zone.
270 days have passed since the last radio contact with the Hydropia crew. After that, only messages and status signals from the accompanying bots have been received. It was only later realized that the continuous stream of incoming technical-analytical information, though precise and correct, did not reflect the condition of the five humans on board. The mission turned from a promising expedition to a disastrous mystery when it was discovered that all five crew members had disappeared, leaving behind truly disturbing traces.
What happened on board this ship? A question the RV Hydropia project tries to suggest answers for. Along a number of transiencies (traveling research residencies), a range of materials and artefacts will be designed; creating imagined artefacts from a possible future based upon the facts of today, to sketch and embody further elements around the Turnton. Keywords include: collapsed inland seas, toxic algal blooms, evacuated coastal regions, an inedible and deadly environment. How can it be dealt with? What roles can research, technology and science play to counter the disaster of collapse, to interact for survival?
270 days have passed since the last radio contact with the Hydropia crew. After that, only messages and status signals from the accompanying bots have been received. It was only later realized that the continuous stream of incoming technical-analytical information, though precise and correct, did not reflect the condition of the five humans on board. The mission turned from a promising expedition to a disastrous mystery when it was discovered that all five crew members had disappeared, leaving behind truly disturbing traces.
What happened on board this ship? A question the RV Hydropia project tries to suggest answers for. Along a number of transiencies (traveling research residencies), a range of materials and artefacts will be designed; creating imagined artefacts from a possible future based upon the facts of today, to sketch and embody further elements around the Turnton. Keywords include: collapsed inland seas, toxic algal blooms, evacuated coastal regions, an inedible and deadly environment. How can it be dealt with? What roles can research, technology and science play to counter the disaster of collapse, to interact for survival?
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